Dr. Carolyn Teng is a cardiac surgeon located in Kingston, Ontario providing patients with access to a comprehensive mitral care pathway.

Patients with mitral valve disease are best served by the least invasive surgical techniques available.   Depending on the patient, this can range from heart failure optimization by our Heart Failure Team.  It can also include innovative procedures like the MitraClip.  Finally if you have come to that place in your care journey with us, where surgery is felt to be necessary, it can be offered to you through a minimally invasive approach via the Mini-Mitral Surgery Program, or by the conventional cardiac surgical technique. 

Dr. Carolyn Teng is available to direct and provide each of these services options and employs a highly specialized team to provide you the latest advancements in medical and surgical care.  Mitral valve disease is a journey along a disease spectrum.  As a specialist in complex minimally invasive mitral valve repairs and transcatheter mitral procedures, Dr. Carolyn Teng is available to work with you to tailor your care, specifically for you.

Conventional Surgery

Providing a wide range of cardiac surgical procedures through a standard median sternotomy

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Minithoracotomy avoids the splitting of the breast bone, for faster recovery and better cosmesis

MitraClip Procedure

With no incision necessary, this procedure avoids the need for open heart surgery in select patients

Finding the Best Mitral Valve Solution Together