Dr. Carolyn Teng, the cardiac surgeon who led the largest minimally invasive mitral valve program in the GTA, has now moved to Kingston General Hospital. She continues her commitment to provide patients with access to a comprehensive mitral care pathway.

Dr. Carolyn Teng specializes in complex mitral valve repairs and minimally invasive surgery, as well as transcatheter mitral valve repairs and replacements. This provides patients with the opportunity to explore a number of options and find the one that best suits their situation.


Using the latest technology to provide cutting edge care. We are always striving to find innovative solutions that will improve quality of life and outcomes for our patients

Minimally Invasive

Finding less invasive options for our patients means shorter hospital stay, faster recovery and better cosmetic results. By avoiding a sternotomy, patients return back to their normal activities sooner.

Patient Focused

Providing our patients with the information they require to make informed decisions about their plan of care. We work with our patients to find solutions that are tailored to their individual needs.


Dr. Carolyn Teng
Kingston General Hospital
76 Stuart St, Victory 3
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 2V7

613-549-6666; ext 2422

Cardiology referrals can be sent to:
Phone: 613-549-6666; ext 6926
Fax: 613-548-2387

Copyright Dr. Carolyn Teng – Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery – All rights reserved